Last Saturday there was a huge California state wide service project going on called "Mormon helping hands." We went to a place called Woodward Park. We raked, cleaned the lake, painted the bathrooms, and other landscaping things. I did repainting in and around the took forever haha! It took about 2 hours to complete one bathroom and I learned something that day....I never want to be a painter for a living haha, It’s not fun at all. The whole thing finished around 12pm and we started at 8am. Our ward mission leader brought us to good old McDonalds for lunch mmmhhmmm it was yummy.
I forgot to tell you that after D. Todd Christofferson came we had a big mission lunch and I was asked to play guitar while other missionaries sang the song "Army of Helaman" and I was a little nervous because I was playing it front of the whole mission but everything went fine. A man took some pictures of us so I need to get them from him. Yesterday President Gelwix wanted me to play guitar and my companion to sing at a youth fireside in Porterville which was 2 hours away. So our church finished at 4pm and then the Assistant Presidents came to pick us up and we went to Porterville immediately. We got there at 6:30 pm, practiced a bit then played the song in front of the youth/members. Everyone really enjoyed it and our mission President loved it. After that we headed to the Assistants Presidents house for the night because we didn’t get home till 11pm haha. It was sooooo fun. We talked a lot during the car ride and sang a lot of hymns.
By the way thank you for the package, I love it! And I love using my GPS. I got a package from Mike Ahern and his brother nick and their family. I was excited he gave me some awesome talks and quotes that I can use. If you hear from them tell them I said "thank you soooo much". I’m not sure what’s going on for mother’s day but I will know next Monday. Hope you and everyone is doing well.Talk to you later.
Elder DeMarco